
Termidor SC

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Termidor SC
Termidor SC
Special Price $69.95 Regular Price $74.95
Total: $0.00

Termidor SC is a non-repellent with Fipronil 9.1% and has been used for years as an effective termite control product.  The termites and ants can't detect their presence. Get 100% termite-free in as little as 3 months


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Termidor SC contains the active ingredient Fipronil 9.1%. Fipronil is very effective against both termites and ants. 

Product Information

Termidor SC - Fipronil 9.1% Termidor SC,a non-repellent inseticide and termiticide with Fipronil 9.1% has been used for years as an effective termite control product. Termites and Ants Can't Detect Non Repellents Termidor SC is classified as non-repellent for termites and ants. The termites and ants can't detect their presence. Termidor SC 20 oz. makes about 24 gallons. Get 100% termite-free in as little as 3 months . Kills individual termites two ways: by contact and by ingestion. The technology of Termidor SC is an advancement over other termite insecticides that are only repellent barriers. Because Termidor SC is made up non repellents, they are  undetectable by termites. Termites or ants can not see, smell, taste, or avoid Termidor SC. Instead, they contact, ingest, and share it with others in the colonies. Repellent termite insecticides can be avoided by termites by their detection; Termidor solves that problem. When termites contact Termidor SC, they transfer ("transfer effect") it to others in the termite colony. Because Termidor SC is a slow-acting termiticide, termites have plenty of time to spread it throughout their entire termite colony. And although the Termidor effect on individual termites is intentionally slow, the overall colony management is fast: significantly faster than bait systems. These non-repellents can be faster than baiting systems. Their  unique "transfer effect" manages termite colonies a lot faster than termite bait systems. Unlike a bait system, they give you 100% protection from Day 1. There's no long waiting period where termites are being attracted to the bait. Termidor SC is long-lasting. Government and other tests in the US and abroad have shown that in almost nine years, there has been no break or reduction in their  effectiveness.
Packaging 20 oz
Product Label Termidor SC Label
Safety Data Sheet Termidor SC SDS
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Target Pest termites and ants
Active Ingredient(s) Fipronil 9.1%
For Use In Outside only
Yield .06% solution-yields 24 gallons, .125% solution yields 12 gallons
Mixture You will need 4 gallons of mixed Termidor solution per 10 lineal feet
Retreatment Ants: twice a year, Termites: 5-10 years
Not Available for Purchase In NY
More Instructions

How to Calculate Termidor Usage for Termite Control

For termite control , one 20 oz. bottle will yield 24 gallons of finished solution.

You will need 4 gallons of mixed Termidor solution per 10 lineal feet.

  • Measure your home's lineal feet. An average sized house is 200 lineal feet.
  • Divide the lineal feet by 10
    Example : 200 lineal feet home (20-10 foot sections)
  • Use 4 gallons per 10 lineal feet.
    Example : 200 lineal feet home
    20 lineal feet x 4 gallons of finished mixture of Termidor SC= 80 gallons of finished mixture needed.This would require 4- 20 oz. bottles.
  • Elimination of 100% of termites in efficacy and environmental test sites. Thru the testing , it has been proven 100% effective against Subterranean Termites, including the challenging Formosan Termite.
  • For application instructions, give us a call.

For Ant Control:

Termidor offers the most effective, low-dose control of outdoor ants available, with proven control of a number of nuisance ant species, even with outdoor perimeter applications at the low rate of 0.06% active ingredient. Termidor is labeled for carpenter ants, argentine ants, big-headed ants, odorous house ants, and pavement ants

Ants foraging on Termidor-treated surfaces, ingesting Termidor through normal feeding activity, or that are sprayed directly with the product will die, but not before spreading Termidor through contact throughout the ant population via the product's unique "Transfer Effect(TM)." Termidor is easily picked up by ants, and has a quick speed of kill - 1 to 3 days - but is slow-acting enough to ensure transfer throughout the population.

For application instructions, give us a call.

Special Price 69.95

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Termidor SC

DIY Termite Control

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