
Triple Shot Bait (Discontinued)

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Triple Shot Bait (Discontinued)
Triple Shot Bait (Discontinued)
  • Buy 4 for $16.91 each and save 11%
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The Triple Shot Bait is discontinued. We suggest as an alternative, the Complete Ant Bait Kit #1.

Pro Tips
Pro Tips & Quick Tricks
I really like to use baits that contain both sugar based baits and proteins.You double your odds of giving the ants a bait that is attractive to them.

Product Information

Triple Shot Two Baits In One Station - Liquid and Granular Baits

The Triple Shot Bait is discontinued. We suggest as an alternative, the Complete Ant Bait Kit #1.

Packaging N/A
Product Label Product Label
Safety Data Sheet SDS
Active Ingredient(s) Borax 5.40% (Terro PCO) , Boric Acid 5% (Niban Granular Bait)
Yield N/A
Mixture N/A
Not Available for Purchase In N/A
More Instructions

Triple Shot is a triple shot of three baits-Terro-Niban-Terro. The two stations that have Terro liquid attract the sweet feeding ants such as Argentine Ants. The granular bait that has Niban, serves a variety of ants and insects. All ants will have a sugar feeding cycle as well as a protein feeding cycle. They change their nutrional needs, and it is necessary to be prepared with both types of baits.

Triple Shot also kills carpenter ants, cockroaches, earwigs, silverfish and more insect pests. With a combination of baits, you get an effective method of control for a wide variety of insects.

Triple Shot - Long Term Baiting

These bait stations can be placed outside and are weather proof. Typical areas of placement are under the mulch areas near the foundations of homes, gardens, under decks, around trees and posts, and in garages and sheds.

Green Solutions

With the use of borates inside of Triple Shot, you have minimal impact on the environment.

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