
Azera Insecticide

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Starting at $71.70

Grouped product items
Product Name Price/Ea. Quantity
Azera Insecticide - 8 oz
Azera Insecticide - 8 oz
Azera Insecticide - 32 oz
Azera Insecticide - 32 oz
  • Buy 2 for $169.64 each and save 6%
Azera Insecticide - 128 oz (Gallon) (Discontinued)
Azera Insecticide - 128 oz (Gallon) (Discontinued)
  • Buy 2 for $352.09 each and save 2%
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I have not had a garden in several years, but if I did I would use this product. I think this might be the best organic product out there. There is a good chance you will get about 4-5 days residual. That does not sound like much but for an organic that is great.

Product Information

Azera Insecticide

Azera Insecticide is an organic, broad spectrum insecticide that combines two active ingredients to reach hard to kill insects. The botanical derived active ingredients not only provide a quick kill but regulates insect growth. It has multiple modes of action working by controlling insect growth, contact, and ingestion.

Azera is an OMRI listed and a certified organic product for organic production. It kills both hard-bodied and soft-bodied insects ( 200 listed insects and over 200 growing crops). Azera Insecticide can be used alone or mixed in your tank with other insecticides, wetting agents, fungicides, adjuvants foliar fertilizers or acaricides. tank mixed with most other acaricides, insecticides, adjuvants, fungicides, wetting agents, and foliar fertilizers.


  • OMRI certified and USDA's NOP requirements for crop protection
  • Mix of azadirachtin + pyrethrin
  • Quick kill on listed pests by ingestion or contact
  • Kills a broad spectrum of listed insects including aphids, whiteflies, leafminers and caterpillars.
  • Kills adult, pupae and larval stages of listed insects.
  • Interferes with molting and rapid knock-down
  • No restrictions on number of applications you can make per year or season.
  • Can be sprayed at any season of the year.
  • Zero pre-harvest interval & very short 12-hour re-entry interval.

Broad Spectrum and Flexible

It may be used on all growing crops, killing a broad spectrum of insects. It kills the larval, pupae and adult stages of insects. Azera Insecticide meets a flexible criteria with no pre-harvest interval with 12-hour re-entry interval, no restrictions on the numbers of applications per year rates, and it can be sprayed at any season of the year.

Mode of Action

Azera combines two active ingredients to disrupt the insects' nervous system and inhibits the molting and development of immature insects.

Methods of Application

  • Conventional hydraulic sprayers
  • Compressed air sprayers
  • Irrigation Systems
  • By air or ground
    Most Commonly
used rate
Rates for treating high adult populations
or hard to kill insects

1 pint per acre
16 fl oz

2 pints per acre
32 fl oz
3 pints per acre
48 fly oz
3.5 pints per acre
56 fl oz
per Quart
2 1 0.67 0.57
per Gallon
8 4 2.7 2.3
Packaging 8 oz , 32 oz ,128 oz
Product Label Label
Safety Data Sheet SDS
More PDF's N/A
Target Pest Kills larval, pupae and adult stages of listed insects. Kills a broad spectrum of over 200 listed insects including aphids, armyworms, bagworms, borers, whiteflies, leafminers, loopers, caterpillars, flies, leafrollers, midges, moths, cutworms, stinkbugs, pear psylla, thrips, weevils,and more listed pests (see label for complete list)
Active Ingredient(s) Azadirachtin - 1.2%
Pyrethrins, a botanical insecticide - 1.4%
For Use In Growing Crops Outdoors and in Greenhouses. Ornamental Plants Grown Indoors or Outdoors. May be used on all growing crops.
Yield N/A
Mixture Mix only with water. For best results, spraying should begin when insects appear.
  • Spaying should begin when insects appear instead of waiting until plants are heavily infested.
  • Repeat application as needed, but no more than every 5-7 days.
  • Spray both the top and bottom of leaves and ensure a sufficient volume for a complete plant coverage.
  • If there is a heavy pest population or dense plant canopy, use the higher rates.
  • Spray in early morning or evening hours.
  • See label for soil drench directions and chemigation directions.
Not Available for Purchase In N/A
More Instructions

Best Practices

  • pH of spray should be between 5.5 and 7.0, buffer if necessary and apply product after mixing.
  • As a contact insecticide, adequate spray coverage is essential for optimum results
  • Can be applied with a wetting agent, spreader, or surfactant (test a small area for possible phytotoxicity with a combination of products)
  • Night time, late evening, and early morning are best times to apply to avoid possible harm to honey bees.
  • A middle application rate of 32 oz. per acre unless is good for most situations:
    • Insect populations are very high
    • Insects are in late-stage immaturity or are adults
  • Tank mix Azera with other products to provide a rapid knockdown and kill, and resistance management benefits to other products when tank mixed like:
  • Monitor the insect population and apply at early stages of life to be the most effective.
  • Best applied when insects are active so the target insects come in contact with Azera
  • Apply when beneficial insects are not present
  • Always follow label and SDS directions

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