Common Chickweed

How to Get Rid of Common Chickweed
- Stellaria media
- winter annual weed
- smooth stem and leaves
- 3-6” in sunlight and up to 17” in shade
- flowers have 5 deeply lobbed white petals
- germination begins in the fall
- apply during active growth in the fall and spring
- pre-emergents can be applied in the fall months
- look for chemicals that contain 3 ways (2,4-D, MCPP and Dicamba), quinclorac, metulfuron-methyl and carfentrazone
- Make sure to properly identify your grass to make sure that the herbicide is safe for your lawn. Choose your grass below to filter for products that are safe for your lawn:
- apply during the spring or fall
- spot treat trouble areas
- only target unwanted vegetation
- look for products that contain chemicals such as glyphosate