Ground Ivy

How to Get Rid of Ground Ivy
- Glechoma hederacea
- also know as Creeping Charlie
- cool season perennial weed (year-long cycle)
- round leaves
- grows well in shade
- square shaped stem
- funnel-shaped small blue flowers in spring
- a wide variety of these herbicides available
- best time to apply is the spring and fall during active growth
- apply in 4-5 week intervals
- do not apply during the summer
- look for products that contain dicamba, 2, 4-D or any generic 3-way product
- thoroughly read over the label
- use a hand-held or backpack sprayer to broadcast in problem areas
- Make sure to properly identify your grass to make sure that the herbicide is safe for your lawn.  Choose your grass below to filter for products that are safe for your lawn:
- spot treat for smaller areas where other vegetation will not be damagedÂ
- only apply to targeted weed
- look for products containing glyphosate as well as products labeled for bareground treatment