Broadleaf Plantain

How to Get Rid of Broadleaf Plantain
- Plantago major
- perennial weed
- basal rosette (leaves are grouped from a central point in a circular shape)
- oval shaped leaves
- leave stalks are less the 12”
- flowers in summer months
- flower spikes have flowers and seeds that form along its length (broadleaf buckhorn has seeds and flowers that form just at the top of the flower spike)
- use our filter option for your grass type
- application is most effective during active growth (summer months during flowering)
- look for products that contain triclopyr, MCPP, Dicamba and/or 2,4-D
- Make sure to properly identify your grass to make sure that the herbicide is safe for your lawn. Choose your grass below to filter for products that are safe for your lawn:
- spot treat with chemicals such as Glyphosate
- be careful to only apply to the target area
- use a spray or gloves to apply
- click here for recommended products.
- pre-emergent herbicides are not as effective because it is a perennial
- the best time to apply these herbicides is during the fall months
- multiple applications are necessary
- look for active ingredients that pre-emergent that also has post-emergent qualities (dithiopyr and indaziflam)