
How to Get Rid of White Clover
- Trifolium repens L.
- also know as dutch clover
- short-lived cool-season perennial
- grows rapidly and spreads by stolons
- shallow root system
- grows well in cool and moist weather
- three oval shapes leaflets
- white, crescent-shaped band on each leaflet
- the flower is white and appears in early summer
- best time to apply these herbicides is early in the fall
- three-way products are highly recommended (2,4-D, dicamba and MCPP)
- be careful to not apply during spring transition (green-up of the lawn) or when the temperature is more than 90 degrees
- other active ingredients that are recommended are triclopyr and metsulfuron
- use of a surfactant will increase control and effectiveness
- Make sure to properly identify your grass to make sure that the herbicide is safe for your lawn.  Choose your grass below to filter for products that are safe for your lawn:
- use non-selective herbicides to spot treat
- look for active ingredients such as glyphosate
- only target unwanted vegetation
- pre-emergent herbicides are not as effective because it is a perennialÂ
- the best time to apply these herbicides is during the fall months
- multiple applications are necessary
- look for active ingredients that pre-emergent that also has post-emergent qualities (dithiopyr and indaziflam)
- Weed Beater Complete Granules - 10 lbsSpecial Price $35.99 Regular Price $39.99
- Drive XLR8 Herbicide Crabgrass KillerSpecial Price $62.50 Regular Price $68.50